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Allergy Skin Test
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Allergy Skin Test
Skin testing is primarily a technique used to confirm the findings of the case history by identifying the most causative allergens where several possibilities exist and by giving guidance on their relative importance.

The introduction of an extract of an allergen into the skin of most patients sensitive to that allergen will produce, in a few minutes local erythema or a raised weal or both. Not only does the reaction identify the causative allergen, but it also helps to assess the degree of sensitivity, which in many cases bears some relationship to the size of the weal and the extent of the erythema.

Patient Preparation
Discontinue long acting antihistamines for one month prior to this test and all other antihistamines are to be discontinued 48 hours prior to testing.

Procedure A series of allergen extracts will be applied to the flexor aspect of the arm. These will be observed and any reaction will be noted and reported to the ordering physician.


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